Vector Magic Software

Bored tracing a logo for hours? You’ll be amazed what we’ve to offer you today!

Designers reading this will understand this, it takes a hell of a time to convert a logo into vector file and we’re not even talking about the price of the software itself like adobe illustrator. This software cost some real dollars!

 And for some who aren’t designers, you can make some good pocket money through this, in this blog post I’m going to share a software I discovered while I was feeling lazy to trace a logo to convert it into vector and suddenly found a gem.

 This software is called ‘Vector Magic’ and you can download it by using a download link down below the article. Many Youtubers even encouraged it but some people didn’t get it.

 So, long story short, you just import your low-res image into this software and choose a mode you want software to work on. Lazy people like me will prefer ‘Complete Automation’ Mode and voilà you’ll get a vector logo with desired setting if you prefer to change. After all changes you want you choose ‘Quick Save’ and select location and you’re done.

 Vector Magic supports many file formats like .ai, pdf, .jpg, png, .psd, .bmp, .gif and many more.  It’s only 16MB offline installer software which require only 1GB of ram and your good to go.

 Now, l’ve claimed people can make some bucks using this software above, yes! Just create an account on Fiverr and create your gigs on Raster to Vector. Now in Market people are charging from $5 to 25$ per logo with different value provided with logo. Many teenagers and newbie freelancers are using these software approach or automatic mode like me.

 I’ve tried this software myself it’s not perfect but it can do your job with 80% accuracy, you just need to do some tweaks in the end to make it perfect. You can see 1 sample I’ve attached below so you can have a better idea how good it is.

 And for a bonus, you can even change background of the logo, like if you’re working with a jpg file and your logo also have a background like above sample you can remove it in one click only! Isn’t that insane.

 And if you think your logo needs some more colors or you want to target specific amount of colors you can do that too. It’s mind blowing to see these features in a 16MB software for desktops.

 It also provides you batch processing and easily vectorizes huge images. It comes in preview to inspect result window so you can export your work with astonishing details.

 You can see software interface down below; this software is the simplest thing I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t come with top-notch UI but still works as advertised.

 This software is lighting fast just double click and it pops up in front of you instantly. I’ll encourage you to try out this software and see how awesome it is.

Requirements For Vector Magic:

  • Windows: 7/8/10.
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Free Disk Space: 100 MB.

Download The Software:


Vector Magic is a useful tool for transforming images into vector files. The reason of this software famousness is because it gives you the elastic to choose what you wanted to change. With the help of its new features, you can achieve photos to vector output without any struggle.

In the end, I’ll rate this software like:

  • 8/10 for accuracy.
  • 6/10 for user experience.
  • 9.5/10 for speed and performance.

Have you used this software? What are your thoughts about this? Comment below to tell your thoughts, we’ll love to discuss them. Thanks