There are four main queries you would like to raise yourself that have an effect on the number of page-views you would like so as to form cash.

    •  What kind of foundation have you set?
    •  Are you content, titles, and graphics engaging?
    •  Does your blog have a crystal clear focus?
    •  Do you have a newsletter list?
    •  How do you make money?
    •  Ads?
    •  Sponsored posts?
    •  Affiliates?
    •  Your own products?
    •  Is your audience engaged?
    •  Does your audience care what you think?
    •  Do they trust your opinion and seek your advice?
    How many of these queries you answered affirmatively to see what quantity financial gain you'll be able to build from the page-views that you just have. 

    The fact of the matter is that someone can make $5,000/month with about 30,000 page-views a month while someone else struggles to make $500/month with 200,000 page-views. 

    And that’s wherever most articles on the topic leave you. With a brief overview of why page-views and income don’t always correlate closely. But those articles drove me nuts when I was new. 

    So, we’re doing you one better. At 100,000 page-views a month, you must be blogging for regular financial gain.


    If you've got over 100,000 page-views a month on your blog (total page-views, not unique) you should be blogging full-time (i.e. earning more than $3,500/month from your blog). 

    That doesn't mean that the second you hit that ten thousand/month page-view mark that someone will send you a check. 

    It implies that if you’re already at ten thousand/month and you're not pulling in full-time income then you're doing something wrong (which is pretty common and isn't a testament to your business sense or character at all). 

    That being the same if you have got but ten thousand page-views and quite thirty thousand page-views a month, it’s attainable to drag in regular financial gain from blogging if you actually know what you're doing. Then the question becomes one of two things…

    100,000 PAGE-VIEWS A MONTH?

    Set a good foundation for your blog. They took me from $18/month to full-time income in 10 months and within 18 months, this blog was supporting my whole family. 

    You need to work on the foundation of your blog. The foundation includes things like…
    • The way your site looks
    • The posts that you write
    • The titles
    • The graphics
    • The content
    • The structure of your blog.
    Then you need to work on how to market your content effectively through social media (effectively being the operative word there).

    OVER 10,000 VIEWS NOW?

    If you are not creating a full-time financial gain from blogging and you have got over one hundred,000 page-views then you’re in all probability equally excited and annoyed by this news. It’s not fun to waste time doing the wrong things!


    First, you need to identify what you’re doing wrong…
    • Are you self-hosted?
    • Do you have a newsletter list?
    • Are you in a premier ad network?
    • Do you accept sponsored posts?
    • Do you have an affiliate marketing strategy?
    Those are the items that will directly have an effect on your financial gain.