Hi there aren't you gonna say hello these are the flicks that make our hearts race and make us wish we had company welcome to Review Garage and today we're counting down our choices.

For the highest 10 movies you shouldn't timepiece alone for this list we're highlighting terrifying dreadfulness pictures and a little films from further types that are just too troubling to watch by yourself


There are few things more terrifying than masked intruders because they usually, arrive with some type of sharp object and they always mean business no sure in this horror flick Scott Speed man and Liv Tyler star as two lovers on the road to a romantic getaway in Bryan Bettino film,

But things get ugly after a failed proposal oh and once foreigners seem with covers on their skulls scary noises mysterious communications and a threesome of psychos prepared to cut and chop the astonished pair are fair a limited of the elements

That make this a terrifying rental choice [Music]  just try watching it alone you'll spend more time watching the window because here at home.



Well very powerful demonic has latched itself onto her you know that you probably picked the wrong home to move into when your dog mysteriously dies during your first few days and spirits begin to express a desire to end you well we've been called demonologists.

it's one name for us Ghost Hunters paranormal researchers folks such was the case in The conjuring where Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga star as real-life ghost investigators attempting to stop an entity from committing bloody murder.

We are beyond terrified we don't know what's going on or what to do can you help us yes we can you know the drill exorcisms horrible screams slow insanity but James Juan's film offered much more than the normal type to-dos it made persons suspicious and frightened of being defeated by an amused so far torn-up toy called Annabelle.



So this is called it a Hawking has happened to you before moving into this house yes this found-footage flick made audiences wet their pants and Blaine loved ones for spilling soda in the theater.

It seems to me that that's what we're dealing with something that's basically connected to you when Katy and Mika move into a new San Diego pad a collection of odd events inspire them to set up cameras you stop following me with the camera solve the problem.

Well Katie stares at her sleeping husband for two hours and later gets pulled out of the room [Music] to make matters worse the demon gets all kinky and starts biting for Katy sorry looks like something bit you what happens next.

Will shock you and it does involve blood we talk about grown men may have acted tough during screenings but they gently clutched their pillows before going to bed later.



Ashcan you see this yes I can aliens aren't real right that was the question posed by terrified moviegoers to their loved ones in 1979 everybody loves a swell sci-fi division and Ridley Scott's Martian is one of the finest though an interplanetary team brands.

Their way home something strange emerges sense a somewhat interested Martian begins murder persons you thought the laws of science might ruin the day did you nope it.

Was a seven-foot extraterrestrial monster with a thirst for human blood even though the human race hasn't actually made contact with aliens.

That we know of moviegoers still checked under the bed for a beast waiting to destroy them after they finished watching this flick well let's talk about killing it we know it's using the air shafts will you listen to me partner.
It's all fun and games until someone starts breaking eggs and kills the family dog fuzzy in me Kyle kanakas original 1997 film a wealthy Austrian family goes on vacation only to be interrupted by too enthusiastic guests.

That's when the shit hits the fan the intruders challenge the horrified family to a game of life and death and it doesn't go so well for Papa George Young Georgie and Mama Anna do you think it's enough.

I mean you want a real ending right with plausible plot development don't you as you might expect Hanukkah’s 2007 shot-for-shot American remake was equally dark and made people rethink their morning breakfast I don't want to be a part of it.



It all ongoing  once little Jennifer throws all over her mommy this real-time Barcelona shoot fear success theaters in 2007 and contained a maximum rare nightly move for a TV journalist and her cameraman as the illness takings hold of the public.

Another shocking truth is revealed and well it's not a good one the brutal realism was so frightening that full-grown men selected romantic amusements in place of this Spanish terrifying nonentity needs to be rushed-up and booked to inferno at slightest it's not on our bucket-list.



Seems that the son killed his wife and then himself based on the 2002 Japanese film Jew owned this Sam Raimi produced flick reminded everybody that a horrific death filled with rage or sorrow does not signify.

The end death becomes a part of that place kid in everything it touches with a nonlinear plot The Grudge chronicles numerous stories of turbulent deaths and the cycle of horror that ensues Sarah Michelle Gellar stars as an American exchange student.

Who comes face to face with the seemingly unfaithful departed the woman who was murdered in that house three years ago saw this man he dyed-in-the-wool perversity.

The dawn after she deceased the idea of the complaint is integrally scandalous but the graphics are just on extra level timepiece this film alone and you will regret it because you'll accidentally claw up your own couch.  



Forwards samara and the television this remake of a 1998 Japanese film left an imprint on all who watched as the very premise highlighted the horror that comes from watching a secretive film of Redrum Naomi Watts costars as a defensive mommy.

Who tries to disruption the sequence of demise by resolving a homicide instance and therefore saving everybody as of isolated VHS deaths but I do I'm sorry it won't stop the ring was the first of several Japanese adaptations.

In modern times and was responsible for inspiring lonely moviegoers to call their best friends to whisper seven days into the phone thus ruining their Friday night plans who watches the ring alone hey you got a yeah don't do that mojo ha let's just don't.



Have you ever heard of the Blair Witch as one of the most successful indie films of all time and a defining film of the found-footage genre The Blair Witch Project was a nationwide anonymous upon announcement.

After directly admitting the vanishing of 3 scholars the film-makers turned an affected story of a Maryland witch and a vivid internet-marketing movement ran spectators.
To be certain of the movie was an honest biopic the frightening ending has since become iconic and made us believe that anything is possible when it comes to the supernatural before we unveil our top pick here are some honorable mentions.


Tell me if you feel a vibration it's the ultimate horror film that has it all you're gonna die up there accomplished director yep legendary actor yep absolutely terrifying imagery does a spinning demon-possessed head qualify.

With a historical back story of religion and archaeology it wasn't difficult to embrace the story of an aging priest out to defeat an old supernatural enemy stick your cock up her ass you mother King worthless.
The Exorcist wasn't just unbelievably scary it was also nominated for 10 Academy Awards thus proving the power of efficient filmmaking your mother sucks cocks in hell it's truly an event to watch.
The Exorcist, especially with those who are easily scared, do you agree with our list what's your favorite movie you shouldn't watch alone for more mind-blowing top 10s published every day be sure to subscribe to watchmojo.com