So Joker's directed by Todd Phillips starts walking Phoenix I feel like we all know that by now this was my number one anticipated movie of this entire year.

Joker Movie Story

Tried to go in with no expectations but a huge Joker fan I can only do so much and What this movie is the story of a man who just gets beat down in life and Becomes the comic book villain Joker and I’ve said it before.

Alone joke removing them and Joaquin Phoenix came on I was like alright he's picky with his scripts I feel like he saw something special that he could bring to this and
After seeing Joker Yo that is absolutely positively the case I feel like I'm gonna talk a lot about Joaquin Phoenix in this review because the entire movie is from his perspective 

Joaquin Phoenix Worthy To Be Joker?

I can't think of a scene in the movie that he's not in it is his movie Joaquin Phoenix carries this entire movie on his shoulders and

Never buckles under the weight of that he thrives he doesn't buckle and he thrives under the weight and  pressure of portraying the most iconic comic book villain of all time
He's so good I heard he researched mental illness that disorder was you laugh when you're nervous I didn't know that and then I said something about his laughs and


No, he's not emulating the laughs he just uncontrollably laughs and I need to stress this isn't a joker movie I mean it's titled Joker but,

If you're going into this movie like alright we're gonna see the Joker wreck some it's a bit more of a slow burn than that you're getting a character movie.

Character Name And Journey Of Joker

This movie should be called Arthur like oh I can't I hope there's a lot of action or something like that I was like that is gonna be one disappointed person it's not an action movie and

The journey of Arthur it's not just like oh he's Arthur flack he's just like dumpy kind of sad guy and Then one day he's the Joker when he does do the makeup and

We saw that in the trailer otherwise, I wouldn't really talk about it I'm not gonna talk about it too much but he does carry himself so differently and
It's so different from where he started that's one of those it's just a series of subtle changes a series it is it's true evolution it's not one big leap.
It's like change - change - change - change well while we're different than where we start how did we get here it's just like the movie does such a good job at taking you on that journey and

Tragedy Or Is It A Comedy

You by the journey and it's undeniably a tragedy or is it a comedy it's so grounded in reality I almost like is it a comic book movie graphic novel movie sure its semantics.

At that point in comic books have had some really deep character arcs absolutely like this is that Joker gives movie  fans and  moviegoers the ability to see what comic book fans have seen for years and

I'm glad this movie exists for that we've hit the next level and since this movie is 100%, Arthur flex movie it is Joaquin Phoenix is moving 

Another Character Is In The Background

I feel like every other character is in the background there a supporting character of some sort but when this stands

DeNiro could have phoned it in just gotten his paycheck we're like all right I'm gonna be Robert DeNiro just I'm in two scenes in the movie let's just do it and
Go but when DeNiro comes out on his show and you know the bands playing the bailiff and like he points at the band.
Like Bam Bam Bam Bam alright we got a good show like he acts absolutely like a talk-show host it's for some reason, intro stands out in this movie as minimal as his role is and
If you're one of those people that's like I don't want to see a joker origin story no don't give me that I'm really stressed give this movie a shot the movies.
It's more nuanced it peels back the layers in a way where you walk away completely satisfied it's like this movie it answers the nearly 80-year-old question what made that guy snap.
What made him such a monster I know we've gotten Killing Joke but this is so much more of a deep dive I will say yes sometimes the movie is uncomfortable,

But that's because it feels so real it doesn't feel like a comic book villain you're not there watching oh hi or Joker gonna get dipped in acid or even dipped in societies all right he's gonna put on the makeup and

Then commit some crime the entire time you're rooting for him to not snap like that I didn't expect that as a joker fans like alright let's snap and


Get to the real but you're actually pulling for him to not do that and you actually feel bad for him so the fact that there are people out there who feel like this movie is uncomfortable good job movie,

For doing your job in the end there were a few things I wanted from Joker and
Joker delivered on them I thought Joaquin Phoenix was great he carried this movie perfectly Oscar nomination I think so it's kind of funny it's like if you take on the Joe and
Do it well and bring your own the thing to it you could get an Oscar nomination out of it which just shows it's just why the Joker is so popular,


Because he just he has those layers that were just begging to be peeled back this movie peeled them back perfectly only got one more thing to say about Joker and
That is Joker is awesome tacular @toddphillips is ready to take on deeper themes I guess and


There's so much more I want to talk about with Joker and though these reviews are a bit vague.

It has to so keep an eye out for that so since I'm gonna assume I'm not the last person on earth to have seen Joker I'm going to assume you have not seen Joker.

Yet ask what other Batman villain origin story would you be cool with and who would you cast as them whoever it is whatever you think comment below let me know and
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