True wireless earbuds have been some of the most popular releases of the last not many years, yet it tends to be hard to make sense of which ones are best for you. 

With the newest yield of 'buds including dynamic clamor dropping, we're putting two of the most ongoing choices against one another: the Apple AirPods Pro and the Huawei Freebuds 3.

While you can't generally turn out badly with either, there are still some things you should know before you get one or the other for yourself. We should get into it.


    The AirPods Pro and the Freebuds 3 are similar from numerous points of view, right down to inclination for their very own source gadgets.

    How about we start with self-evident. The Freebuds 3, similar to the Freebuds before them, are a conspicuous clone of the AirPods 2. They include a similar design right down to the one-size-fits-all outside approach to fit. 


    Having checked on the original AirPods, I have a similar problem here with respect to fit. The Freebuds 3 just would not remain in my ears regardless of what I attempted.

    Like the original AirPods, the Huawei Freebuds 3 either fit perfectly or they don't fit by any stretch of the imagination. In our survey, our colleague said he didn't have any issues wearing them. Similarly, others portrayed a perfect fit when attempting them.

    I was not all that fortunate, as simply twisting around to tie my shoes made them drop out of my ears. In the event that you can get your hands on a couple to attempt, make sure they fit before purchasing. 

    Aside from fit, the Freebuds 3 works superbly copying the excellent Apple tasteful right down to the metal top on the base of the stem.
    Both earbuds have sensors within and outside that enable them to auto-delay when one is expelled from your ear.
    Then again, the AirPods Pro highlights a shiny new design that most individuals will even now discover well-known. Much the same as old fashioned wired earbuds of the past, the AirPods Pro accompanies three diverse silicone eartips – huge, medium, and little.

    This change helps represent the assortment in human ears, which means they'll serenely fit a more extensive scope of individuals. 

    Not everyone will locate a perfect fit, however, Apple at long last appeared to acknowledge how significant a decent seal is for obstructing outside sound from arriving at your ears.

    There's even a fit test that you can take so as to make sure that you're utilizing the right ear tips. Incredibly, this test must be done from an iOS gadget.

    The AirPods Pro and the Freebuds 3 both accompany too convenient charging cases that snap shut attractively.

    The cases for each pair of 'buds are similar, however not indistinguishable. The AirPods Pro has a rectangular case while the Freebuds 3 has a round case, yet both are overly simple to utilize and considerably simpler to haul around in your pocket.
    The smooth white plastic is genuinely similar on both, and the top snaps shut almost precisely the equivalent. There's even a similar metal depends on there back of both cases. 
    Taking either pair of 'buds one out of its separate case is almost precisely the same experience. Magnets help both earbuds fit correctly so you don't need to stress over whether they're charging.

    Between the new design that organizes a superior fit and the way that the Freebuds 3 design is only removed from the original AirPods, this was a truly simple one to pass judgment. The AirPods Pro successes this classification by an overwhelming margin.

    Winner: AIRPODS PRO


    The Freebuds' charging case is slightly larger than the AirPods, yet it's still super portable.
    Whichever pair you choose, you likely won't have any issues utilizing them. The two of them pair flawlessly with their particular gadgets, both have an auto-stop highlight when one earbud is expelled from your ear,


    And both snap once more into their individual charging cases superbly. In addition, the two of them have a solid association that outcomes are fundamentally no skip and falter.

    Space on each stem demonstrates where you may press to control playback and switch between listening modes.

    Shouldn't something be said about playback controls? Both have similar fundamental playback control, and both need genuine volume controls.

    I found the squeezable stem of the AirPods Pro reliably worked consummately. Similarly, the tap-touchy Huawei Freebuds 3 was a little all in or all out. I ended up twofold tapping the Freebuds a few times before they played out the right capacity.
    Genuinely, these issues were rare, and generally, the controls work fine, yet I had no issues with the AirPods Pro and its squeezable stem.
    Winner: AIRPODS PRO


    The essential element Apple and Huawei tout for their earbuds are active noise canceling, so how about we analyze. The best approach to peruse the charts below is simpler than it looks.

    All you have to know is that the higher the pinnacles, the more noise is being canceled. The closer the line is to 0dB (or if it's level), the less outside noise is being canceled.


    Apple has altogether improved the attack of the AirPods Pro contrasted with the firsts. Paired with the segregation and implicit ANC, you get quite great noise-canceling all through the range.
    The Huawei Freebuds 3 active noise canceling is crummy, best case scenario. This is likely due to the absence of a genuine seal in the ear canal, which allows outside noise in.
    The winner here is self-evident: it's the AirPods Pro. While the Huawei Freebuds 3 professes to present to 15dB of noise decrease, it's ruined by the open structure that, as a matter of course, allows outside noise to spill in. While it is fairly powerful in specific circumstances,

    For example, when you're sitting in a stay with a running fan or microwave, it doesn't totally veil the noise. It just makes it sound a little calmer.

    The AirPods Pro, then again, does a great activity with ANC as it should be obvious by the knocks between 100Hz - 1,000Hz on the chart. 

    This is the place most encompassing noise lives and keeping in mind that the AirPods Pro ANC won't totally invalidate the drone of an airplane motor or train,

    Which tend to lie in that sub-100Hz territory, it's more than adequate to make your regular day to day existence only a little calmer.

    In addition, the AirPods Pro has a straightforwardness mode that lets you hear what's happening around you. The Freebuds 3 doesn't have a straightforwardness mode, 
    So on the off chance that you look for a little piece of common sense from your headphones, at that point, the AirPods Pro is the best approach.

    Winner: AIRPODS PRO


    Regardless of anything else, these are both still earbuds and sound quality is as yet significant. Clearly, nor is going to give you reference-level quality or over-ear measures of bass due to the little drivers inside, 
    However, that doesn't mean they sound terrible. For earbuds, the two of them really sound quite great, however, they adopt various strategies.
    The AirPods Pro just gives critical emphasis to a portion of the highs above 1,100Hz, with the majority of the low end appearing near 0dB put something aside for a plunge in the sub-50Hz territory.


    While the Huawei Freebuds 3 has a shockingly impartial reaction in the mids and some extra emphasis in the highs, the lows will be difficult to hear due to the open-air plan of the earbuds.

    By taking a gander at the recurrence reaction diagrams for the two pairs of earbuds, you can see that the AirPods Pro tends to have a slight knock in the low end (pink), which implies that bass notes will sound a little louder when contrasted with different notes.

    Contrast that with the Freebuds 3, which has a sharp dunk in the low end that trails off in the profound lows, and it's more obvious why the Freebuds have such frail bass reaction. This is no doubt due to the open-air attack of the Freebuds 3,

    While silicone ear tips assist seal with increasing the AirPods Pro. By physically hindering your ear canal, as opposed to simply sitting in it, the AirPods Pro can keep a great deal of those low-end frequencies in your ear as opposed to spelling them out.

    This idea additionally applies to outside sounds coming in. Where the AirPods Pro square outside sound by physically being in your ears, the Freebuds 3 let sound ineffectively, making it harder for you to hear the low-end notes of your main tunes.
    The earbuds fit cozy in the ear canal currently on account of committed spouts.
    All things considered, the story changes apiece as we climb the recurrence reaction chart. Where the Huawei Freebuds 3 appears to have a moderate level line in the mids (pink to green), which means there is no extra emphasis given to those notes,

    The AirPods Proline is a little rough around there. This implies instruments like guitars and vocals, which live in these frequencies will sound a little clearer and progressively normal on the Freebuds 3 since there is little to no extra volume is given to them.

    The highs were increasingly accentuated in the Freebuds 3 when contrasted with the AirPods Pro, so cymbals and certain parts of human vocals should sound a little louder. 

    That bodes well since the structure of the Freebuds 3 allows outside noise in. The extra emphasis in the highs should assist you with hearing those extra subtleties.

    The Huawei Freebuds 3 have a touch-delicate stem that you can tap for playback controls or enact the active noise canceling.


    So which one sounds better? As usual, sound quality, for the most part, comes down to inclination, yet in this circumstance, it likewise considers the utilization case. The AirPods and Freebuds are probably going to be utilized as a regular pair of 'buds that you'll convey all over the place.
    Therefore, you'll likely improve understanding from the AirPods Pro since the ear tips allow for better seclusion from the outside (even without the active noise canceling.) 
    The uninvolved sound separation will likewise, prove to be useful on the off chance that you tend to tune in to bass-substantial music, as lower notes are the hardest to hear when there's outside noise spilling in.

    Regardless of whether I'm tuning in to music or the AA web recording, I lean toward the detachment in this circumstance since it fits what I tune in to a little better.

    Winner: AIRPODS PRO

    The Freebuds 3 makes a fair showing of keeping up vocal clearness all through the significant frequencies.

    We need to discuss microphone quality. You can see on the diagrams above how the Huawei Freebuds 3 has a slight emphasis on the low end of the vocal range. The outcome here is that lower voices will be gotten by the microphone simpler than with the AirPods Pro.

    All things considered, this is one of those things that it's simpler for you to simply hear for yourself. It's a near calamity, however, we're giving this one to the Huawei Freebuds 3.


    The Freebuds 3 has a slightly longer stem than the AirPods Pro since they were designed to look like the first AirPods, not the more up to date model.

    Some portion of the issue with Bluetooth earbuds, when all is said in done, has consistently been connection strength. 


    There's nothing fun about the melody you're tuning in to removing, or the sound of the YouTube video you're watching neglecting to match up properly.

    This drove makers to look for workarounds, which both Apple and Huawei have done for their separate genuine remote earbuds.
    The Apple AirPods have the H1 chip inside, which not just takes into account a solid connection between both earbuds and your source device.
    Yet, in addition, makes the underlying matching process a lot simpler. When you open up the case a card will spring up on the iOS device that lets you snap to interface naturally.
    The earbuds come in two hues: dark or this lustrous white.
    Additionally, Huawei has the Kirin A1 chip inside its 'buds with Bluetooth 5.1. This permits each earbud to get sound information from the source device separately, bringing about a shorter slack and fewer skips. 


    Generally, the A1 chip makes for a decent encounter, one that even adversaries the consistent experience of AirPods. The Huawei Freebuds 3 likewise has a copycat spring up a card to match effectively with your Huawei device. 

    To match with non-Huawei devices, you'll need to hold down the Bluetooth blending button on the case for two seconds to enter blending mode and afterward associate through the phone's Bluetooth menu.

    To the extent connection strength goes, I had no issues with skipping or faltering for both of these. The separate radios inside held up pleasantly to ordinary use. 

    Both worked fine whether my phone was in my pocket or over the room, and the main time they disengaged was the point at which I purposefully tried the range.
    I had the option to drive both to around 40 feet with a divider or two in the middle of before the connection slipped by. For whatever length of time that you're not hoping to go out without your source device, at that point you shouldn't have any issues.
    Both Apple and Huawei offer the best understanding to the individuals who decide to utilize coordinating products. Regardless of anything else, this one is a real heart-stopper.

    Winner: DRAW


    This segment is probably the least demanding to check. On foundation, we test all headphones at a steady yield of 75dB, which is simply underneath the levels that can bring about clamor instigated hearing misfortune. When we've accomplished a volume of 75dB,

    We play a blend of music on rehash until the battery kicks the bucket. With this technique, the AirPods Pro endured 5 hours and 6 minutes when associated with an iPad Pro. Apple guarantees that the charging case will give you around 24 hours of additional listening time.


    The Huawei Freebuds 3 charge by means of USB-C, which gives them the edge over the AirPods Pro with regards to future-proofing.

    The Huawei Freebuds 3 figured out how to get around 4 hours and 7 minutes running a similar test associated with a P30 Pro. 

    The charging case provides an additional 20 hours of listening time and just takes about an hour to energize from zero to one hundred.

    To the extent the earbuds are concerned, the AirPods Pro beats the Freebuds 3 by 60 minutes. All things considered, the Freebuds 3 charging case is passed on the one I'd like.


    While both cases are made of genuinely comparative (modest inclination) plastic and both can accuse remotely of any Qi-remote charger, the Freebuds 3 charging case utilizes the (business standard) USB-C
    Apple settled on its own Lightning connector, which is a similar link current iPhones depend on. On account of the USB-C future-proofing, the Freebuds 3 case is all the more engaging.

    Winner: DRAW


    The earbuds appear to be similar, however, the new AirPods Pro has a slightly shorter stem and silicone ear tips for a superior fit.


    One of the most significant factors to consider when purchasing something is the cost. While the AirPods Pro and the Sony WF-1000XM3 are both incredible truly wireless earbuds with active noise canceling, the two of them also cost $249.

    That is an intense pill to swallow for most individuals. Huawei's transition to value the Freebuds 3 just slightly underneath that at around $220 makes them a hair progressively moderate. Not actually modest, 
    Yet unquestionably increasingly aggressive — especially considering how similar the products are.



    So yes, the AirPods Pro win in this blow for blow fight. Regardless of whether they are directly for you depends on a couple of things. In case you're an iOS user the answer is obvious. 


    You'll take advantage of the AirPods Pro since you'll have the option to utilize every one of the features. Similarly, Huawei users will improve sound quality from the Freebuds 3, thanks to upgraded blending with the organization's phones.

    All things considered, it's no secret that Huawei is experiencing somewhat of a tough situation here in the US and, as of now, the Freebuds 3 aren't accessible stateside. Notwithstanding which stage you like, 

    Contingent upon where you live may also assume a job as you settle on one over the other. In the event that you live in Europe, the Freebuds 3 is accessible to purchase by means of Amazon or through Huawei.

    Accessibility aside, there is one aspect where the AirPods Pro soundly defeats the Freebuds 3, and that is active noise canceling. The AirPods Pro is significantly better in this classification. 
    The main other pair of truly wireless earbuds superior to anything the AirPods Pro at active noise canceling is the Sony WF-1000XM3 'buds.
    So in case you're on Android, live in the US, or just need similar features to the AirPods Pro, at that point the Sony's presently your best wager.

    Apple AirPods Pro Apple's first noise-canceling true wireless earbuds.

    Apple's top of the line wireless earphones incorporates features like active noise wiping out and transparency mode so you can still hear your general surroundings.

    Huawei Freebuds 3 True wireless earbuds with active noise canceling from Huawei. Huawei's Freebuds 3 true wireless earbuds may be AirPods clones, yet they really surpass Apple's earbuds in a couple of areas.


    Apple's first noise-canceling true wireless earbuds. Apple's top of the line wireless earphones incorporates features like active noise retraction and transparency mode so you can still hear your general surroundings.


    $234.98 at Amazon [SAVE: $14 .02]


    3True wireless earbuds with active noise canceling from Huawei. Huawei's Freebuds 3 true wireless earbuds may be AirPods clones, yet they really surpass Apple's earbuds in a couple of areas.


    $213 at Amazon [SAVE: $10 .00]