
What if, A scenario where you killed your grandfather when he was a kid. At that point your dad or mom wouldn't have been born, so you wouldn't have been born, so you wouldn't have had the option to in any case.
Time to kill your grandfathers in the first place.

As far as we know, time only moves in one direction “forward" yet on the off chance that you could circle back to visit the universe at an earlier moment,

A famous paradox arises, it’s well-known paradox occurs, it's called grandfather paradox. If you don't have a clue what is that paradox thing is, then read it till the end to know about it.


    The least complex response to the grandfather paradox is that when you return in time, you're actually not returning into your very own history,
    However to a duplicate and all that you do there impacts the new alternate future of that universe, not your very own past. But that's boring because it keeps away from the paradox.


    On the off chance that what you do when you return in time really impacts your own past, and the impacts of your time travel do a loop back to the present, future, past – no issue. Allows to finish the beyond your understanding events past. its confusing decision.
    You return in time, kill your grandfather, thus you aren't born so you can't return in time, accordingly, your granddad isn't killed, so, you are born, so you return in time and kill your granddad, etc.
    I'm demonstrating this as a linear series of events but it's two entangled histories happening in parallel.
    Is that even conceivable? Well, I don't know about the time travel part, yet subatomic particles routinely do many various things in parallel – it's called Quantum Superposition and is answerable for the bizarreness of the double-slit experiment, many properties of iotas and atoms, combination in the sun's center, etc.


    So if the universe exists in a superposition of two states – your grandfather is alive and your grandfather is dead – then the natural outcome is a superposition of two states: you're born and ready to return so as to kill your grandfather, and you're not born.

    Also, the common consequence of these is a superposition of two states – your granddad is dead and your granddad is alive – thus, in any event from a sensible point of view, this circling course of events is steady and there's no paradox.


    Also, a comparable paradox- a solution can acquire by survey the issue as a consistent state answer for a Markov chain yet I won't go into that here.
    Now, of course, nothing about these answers for the grandfather paradox recommends that closed time circles are conceivable!.


    Some of the suggestions this sort of time loop have in the study of complexity theory seem to suggest that time circles and in this way time travel into the past – must be impossible.


    The paradox-free solution can acquire by survey the issue as a relentless state answer for a Markov chain.

    Now, of course, nothing about these answers for the granddad mystery recommends that closed time loops are conceivable.

    Yet, the primary concern is in some cases a circumstance makes a paradox when it doesn't, and actually, the only paradox is the way our thinking can twist enough to dream up time-traveling murderous grandsons, yet not twisted enough to think about twisting time.
    On the off chance that you have any recommendations related to grandfather paradox or any interesting fact, please do comment we’ll love to read them.