TikTok Leaking Users Drafts Videos Without Permission! – New Threat to Privacy
TikTok Leaking Users Drafts Videos Without Permission! – New Threat to Privacy 

Is TikTok Leaking Drafts? There's Definitely Something Fishy Going On. Everything we know up until this point!

With more than 500 million monthly active users. From fun dance schedules to particular trends — there's something for everybody.

However, there have additionally been some grave privacy and security issues, which are still left untattered.

Also, if that wasn’t all, a new privacy concern has gone too the front, which, assuming valid, maybe the most noticeably awful of the lot. 

For that numerous nations like the US, India, and others are putting a prohibition on this application.

What Is The Story? – TikTok Drafts Leak

The rumor that TikTok is leaking drafts started after some people started seeing an extremely strange video in their TikTok feed. It highlighted a youngster girl doing some TikTok dance moves.

While there's nothing strange about that TikTok dance moves presumably represent 70% of all TikTok content, isn't that so? people were freaked out when they saw that there was no account name at all.

As a rule, you can tap on the username of the individual whose video you're watching to be taken to their profile. For this situation, in any case, there was no username — only a "@" sign.

At the point when users tapped on it, they had been taken to their own account web page relatively than the creators.
As you would expect, people started panicking! People took the strange video as proof that TikTok is leaking videos from users' Drafts folders.

Things got significantly all the more confusing when TikTok user @tamialynn2x uploaded a video claiming to be the young girl’s cousin and clarifying the circumstance.

@tamialynn2x shows text discussions with someone named Journi (TikTok: @its._journi), who is allegedly the young lady in the dancing video. 

Journi's cousin shared screenshots of a text conversation with Journi, wherein Journi is similarly as confused as every other person regarding why the video was showing up on TikTok feeds.

The video had really been one of Journi's private videos (rather then a draft), yet in any case, it wasn't a video Journi meant for a lot of random people to see.
- @tamilynn2x

Did tiktok post these girls' drafts?

– Drama Kween 9.5K - 118,457 views

TikTok is leaking people's drafts!?

- Ocean Aesthetics - 3.51K subscribers 5,582 views

What is TikTok Saying?

TikTok hasn't remarked on the debate yet and the video seems to have been removed (not like you could discover it all alone in any case).

In the event that you are a TikToker and have a couple of drafts in your profile, you might need to check your profile 'Private.' You could even feel free to erase the ones you may not require.

The most effective method to Stop Your TikTok Drafts Being Leaked

The straightforward answer for preventing your TikTok drafts from being leaked is actually as expressed above: erase them.

If you’re not happy for your drafts to be seen, you should delete them altogether but, if you would like to keep them, you can simply save them to your device so you don't lose them altogether.

Ensure you delete your drafts on the off chance that you would prefer not to change them to be seen.

If you discover your drafts have been leaked, the most ideal alternative is an attempt to erase the video, but if for some reason you’re not able to, it’s worth contacting TikTok customer support to attempt to get the issue settled.

As expressed above, there isn't broad proof that the application is leaking drafts, yet it's smarter to be safe than sorry.

How To Keep Your Private Videos Safe?

All things considered, whatever happens, online can be in some way hacked or bothered to make issues of private data and information being shared, and it would appear that this may be going on TikTok.

TikTok users have gotten stressed over their private videos after an obvious leak. For any individual who normally utilizes the application

You'll presumably have a huge backlog of videos in your drafts simply staying there sitting idle – however, this may not be the situation.

Starting from June 11, it seems like some videos are showing up on TikTok that truly shouldn't be.

Is TikTok Leaking Drafts Claim Is Real – Conclusion?

The short answer to the question is that we need more proof yet to propose that the application is leaking drafts – however, some users have recommended that their drafts are strangely being published without their insight.

Regardless of what happened directly here — a TikTok glitch or one evil thing—it is probably going to be a decent recommendation to empty your Drafts folder simply to be protected.