How To Get Backlinks: How I Build 1000+ Backlinks In 2020

Wait a sec, before we dive into this, I want to tell you that “persistence and patient” is the key and I don’t even know about ‘ABC’ or ‘SEO’ and ‘Content Writing’. I’ve learned and experimented with this in 5 months period.
So, my blogging journey started almost 5 months ago with the idea to learn content writing because some dude on Facebook are talking about this field salary and I thought I should give it a shot.
But the catch is I don’t have money to buy a domain and all that stuff. Then I researched and found 2 videos one of them was about “blogger” and another one was on “SEO”.
I know YouTube is stuffed with “Guru’s” and fortunately I’m good at researching and found some hidden gems that were worth watching.
After getting an idea on “How to create a website or blog on blogger” (thanks to some random Indian guys).
I completed setting up everything from theme to Google search counsel submission within a day. Now when I started seeing “how to write or post” I wasn’t aware that we can’t use someone else content or spin it to make it our own (well we can make it but that doesn’t add ‘value’ to readers.).
So, I joined some free courses around the internet. And started writing my own and after learning “how to write” I was confused about how will google ‘see’ it.
I have little bits of knowledge about SEO at that time than I dive a little deeper to know how this ‘SEO’ tactic works?
Then again YouTube was coming into play and ‘Real SEO’ guru research took almost a WEEK! I was shocked because every ‘SEO Guru’ on the internet have different statements about every single thing.
No one knows how google actually works some of them aren’t aware of google basis on content optimization.
Some of them are claiming overnight first-page ranking by:
• Keyword stuffing.
• PBN’s.
• Spun Content.
Bear in mind, Google is spending billions of dollars to make search more authentic every freaking day. Now, they’re punishing websites who’re using these above-mentioned tactics via ‘Panda’ update and other algorithmic updates.
So don’t even think of that, Google will put in the sandbox.
Content creators are meant to ‘create content’ not to do these black hat techniques. And some of them blindly trust on ‘SEO Tools’ and believe me they don’t even claim themselves that this is 100% accurate results.
These tools just give you a rough idea about a searched term, that’s it. So, then whom to trust? What to do? What did I use?
I used some free tools to get knowledge about the content or what to write about that’s it. ‘It’s all about observation’.
Like if you want to see some ‘Keyword Phrases’ trends/data use ‘Google Trends’ want to track specific niche use google trends, you’ll receive regular updates on your Gmail so you can write about it.
If you want to know what’s trending, do a YouTube, Google News, or Reddit search or search some related content creators around social media platforms who are working on the same niche.
For example, If you’re working on a pet niche then try to find some content creators on YouTube related to this by searching ‘Pet Food’ or how whatever you wanted to write about.
Most of Seo’s are brainwashed by some fake guru’s on YouTube, use these tips:
• Find a Long Tail Keyword.
• Find Related Keywords To Main Keywords. (LSI Keywords.)
• Use Media like images, videos in your content.
• Instead of stuffing keywords ‘Sprinkle your keywords all over your content’.
What else you need? If you’re still confused, go and see these ‘SEO’s’ videos you’ll get a better idea:
• Gotcha Seo.
These SEO’s are more than enough. If you’re writing original and using the basis of SEO and media to make your content stand out that’s more than enough.
Some people are worried and use third party tools to index and all that stuff. Use Google Search Console and for more in-depth insights use Google Analytics.
These are Google’s own products and believe me you won’t need anything else if you understand these tools.
So, after all that knowledge I started seeing google search results from a different perspective I called it ‘User’s Perspective’ I stared analyzing google search results how any why they’re ranking on top? And I found the reason really quick, they were categorized by these things:
1. Relevancy.
2. How This Helped User.
3. Intent.
4. Angle.
For the more in-depth concepts of these things, I’ve embedded a video of ‘Ahref’ above. If you’re following these in your content for the desired ‘Keyword’ you’re doing more than enough! This will rank your keyword on top in some days.
And as a bounce, you’ll start seeing related keyword ranking that you haven’t targeted. Isn’t that amazing?
Now, after all, I watched a video explaining how ‘DA’ and ‘PA’ affect google ranking as well. And this is because of ‘Backlinks’. I researched more about this topic. And found a simple definition.
When a Website Link to another website, it’s called backlinks.
There are two types of links:
• Inbound (External) links.
• Incoming (Internal) links.
These links are further divided into two types:
• Nofollow.
• Dofollow.
Nofollow means you’re referring website, but you don’t want google to consider a relation between that site with your site.
Makes Sense?
Now, Dofollow you’re giving a ‘Vote Of Confidence’ to a website means you trust that website and as proof, you’ve created a link (Dofollow backlink).
Now, when google crawlers will visit that page where you’ve created backlinks they’ll follow it and crawls his website too.
This increased authority of the website in Google’s eyes. That’s what people called ‘DA’ and ‘PA’, you can read more about it here.
This will increase your chances of ranking and visibility on the related search term which your website is covering.
Google will start thinking of use as an expert in your niche. The higher the ‘Quality Backlinks’, the higher you’re gonna rank, but still, if you aren’t fulfilling the user’s intent then Google will drop you from top search results.
So, you’ve to create a balance between both ‘Quality Backlinks’ and ‘Content’. To this day, I haven’t purchased ‘Paid Links’ I used social media like Quora, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter to boost and push my content so google and users to see.
Posting on social media gives a signal to Google’s search crawlers to index it faster, so you can appear on search engines faster. Period.
This is what I’ve followed and applied to my website. If you want to powerful backlinks from other websites you can do it in two most popular ways for FREE:
• Providing Graphics and ask them for a credit link.
• Emailing them (Don’t Spam Them) to tell them that you’ve written a piece of content that will fit your audience.
If you’re thinking: “Ok, that’s something I can do” yeah you should try it but like I’ve said in starting of the article, Patient’s is everything, most of them will reject you but you’ll get some backlinks at the end.
So, what should be the criteria for selecting a website to ask for backlinks?
• It Should Be Relevant.
• Should Have Decent Content.
• Not Using Any Black Hat Techniques. (Click Here To Figure Out How To Know)
• Should Not Use Spin Content.
• Should Not Spread False Info.
• Should Not Have A Bad Site Structure.
If you’re thinking: “That’s more hassle than what I’ve thought”, than I have got a better option for you. But, for this, you’ve to have a fat budget.
This contains 2 ways:
• Buy Links.
• Paid Automated Softwares.
There are paid tools on the internet too that will help you create any type of backlinks in ‘One-Click’, isn’t that amazing?
My recommendation to these types of software is ‘stay away from the’ you won’t know that these Softwares are creating ‘Quality’ or ‘Quantity’ links.
If you’re more like me to do things manually – you should go on buying links/guest posts from big sites that are relevant to your niche.
If you’re thinking: “Huh, I’ll use cracked/paired software’s to get links”, buddy my only suggestion to this query is please at least for me don’t even think to try it. It will destroy your website COMPLETELY!
Final words?
Fake guru is making SEO more complex than google wanted. Just go easy on yourself and your website. Focus on ‘what visitors see’ not what you and other content creator sees. Focusing on Site Speed and content quality will help you get better results in long run.
If you don’t follow these rules or whatever you want to call it, you’ll gonna cry for your whole life and complaining about ‘why I’m not ranking on google’ every search engine wants to show things that users want to ‘see’.
Even if you’re thinking that ‘paid search ranking’ will help you it won’t google have a different algorithm for that too and it won’t last long.
That’s how I got my links and got an average position of 7.7 for 178 articles. And I want to clear out I don’t even know about ABC of ‘SEO’ and ‘Content Writing’.
What are your thoughts about this? On which thing you agree with me? Comment below I’ll love to know!
thanks for sharing information about backlinks tips.
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