11 Simple (But Important) Things To Remember About WordPress Speed Optimization.

So, let’s get straight to our topic! After reading this blog post you’ll be able to perfectly optimize your website and master WordPress Speed Optimization…

The first thing you need to look out for is:

Hosting Server

30% of the time it’s the hosting server, you should host your website on trusted and fast servers. I like Digital Ocean, A2hosting, Sitegroud, HostGator, Namecheap hosting provider are the best I can refer to.

For non-techy people: faster the hosting servers, faster your website will load.

Target a specific country (data center of your hosting server should be of the same country) rather than focusing on multiple countries. If you want to do that then, the data center of your hosting server should be in your primary targeted country.


Pro Tip:


Instead of having all of your data on a single machine, cloud hosting spreads the data across a number of different machines, different servers in different places that are all connected together. Targeting more than one country, cloud hosting will be very beneficial for you.



Content Delivery Network is in short called CDN. It’s a system of distributed servers/networks that show pages and other content to a visitor, based on the geographic locations of the visitor. Cloudflare (free) and StackPath (paid) are my favorite and Best CDN providers.



90% of the time choosing the right theme for your website is all you need from user experience and speed optimization point of view.


If your confused which theme is perfect? Then look these things in a theme with your desired taste in design and stuff like that.


A perfect theme is that theme: -

  • Lite weight
  • Mobile and User Friendly.


If you're still confused and couldn’t find for yourself than try Genesis child theme, generate press, and Astra pro.




Simply, in computers, information is usually stored on a hard disk. When it is requested, a computer needs to run several processes before the information can be presented.

Caching solves this issue by processing the frequently requested data and then storing it in a temporary storage/memory. This helps to access the file quickly.


The same caching concept can also be used by WordPress websites to improve performance and make your website load faster.


From my experience, this one is the best plugin for website caching.


  • Wp Fastest Cache (Free/Premium)
  • Wp Total Cache (Free/Premium)
  • Wp Rocket (Free/Premium)


Pro Tip:


Some hosting providers include caching services with their plan like Site ground, Hostgator, and Blue host...


Minify Html, CSS, JavaScript


Simply, removing unnecessary elements and rewriting code to reduce file size is called minification. It is commonly used to reduced web page resources, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.


Best WordPress Plugin For Minify Html, CSS, and JavaScript: -


  • Autoptimize (Free)
  • Wp Fastest Cache (Free/Premium)
  • Wp Rocket (Free/Premium)


GZip Compression


It’s a form of data compression – i.e. it takes a piece of data and makes it smaller in size. The original data can be restored by un-zipping the compressed file.


You can enable Gzip compression in two ways…


1st is adding code in httacess file, It's risky. It can take down your site. This way is not for non-technical people.


You can enable Gzip compression through Plugin. Recommended Plugins for Gzip Compression are: -


  • Wp Fastest Cache (Free/Premium)
  • Wp Rocket (Free/Premium)


Image Optimization

In Image, optimization image is reduced by size without losing quality. By doing this your website loading time will stay low.


Recommended WordPress Plugin for Image Optimization: -


  • Smush
  • Imagify
  • ewww image optimizer
  • compresspng.com (Website)


Lazy Load


If you're confused with this term let me clear some doubts, this doesn’t slow your website only loads content when a user hovers or move to that portion of the website.


That means if users aren’t scrolling down then the website won’t load content like images and posts until users scroll over to that section. Most big sites like Forbes and entrepreneur use this type of function to reduced lazy loading.


Recommended WordPress Plugin for Lazy Load: -


  • Unveil Lazy Load
  • Wp Rocket




This one is a little hard, but if you want you can leave it…


This mostly caused by JavaScript and CSS files that are located in the header of your webpage. They load the area that you usually see on a website before scrolling down to see the rest of the content and are a part of the critical rendering path used by a web browser.


You can find render-blocking issue resource from the google page speed insights and fixed them through W3 Total Cache Plugin.


Recommend Plugins for fixing Render Blocking issue: -


  • W3 Total Cache.
  • Wp Rocket Pro (best single plugins, which is providing a lot of features...)




These above-mentioned tweaks will make your website score to 70% easily on desktop and mobile. I’m also a WordPress developer and most of the time I’m dealing with these issues and these issues aren’t that technical to be solved by a professional.


There are a lot of good plugins that you can use like I’ve mentioned above.


Try these plugins I’ve recommend you they’re constantly updating and adding new features/functions that will increase your site speed significantly!


And they’re not technical, you just have to turn on a slider and you’re good to go. Most of these plugins are covering the technical side for you.


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