6 Strange Technology Facts You Don’t Know - ReviewGarage

New technologies come with new superpipes and we’ve listed 5 of them (these are old) but you’ll be shocked to know these facts.
At first, I thought, these were just named as “Facts” but when I did a google search and found out its sources, I was literally shocked and thought to share this with our readers?
So, today we’ll be going to be share 5 weird but true tech facts you don’t know!
About 51% Of Internet Users Are Not Human!

In April 2019 study by Data, Reportal shows that: internet users have grown up to 8.6%. It’s an addition to 4.437 billion users around the world at the start of April with new 350 million users in just 12 months.
Isn’t that shocking?
And the shocking thing is 21% from total 51% of no-human traffic can be considered as ‘good’ but the remain 31% is malicious that can spread malware or spyware, anything you can think of. This research was funded by a cybersecurity firm.
Only 49% are ‘real humans’ browsing…
A recent report from the UN says that: 47 of the world’s population have access to the internet. A year ago, the same agency gave an estimation of over 43% have internet access.
This percentage skyrocket that high only in 365 days. WOW!
Robots Started To Get Citizenship!
Yeah, you heard that right!
Now robots also get citizenship, this started by Saudi Arabia – who gave citizenship to a robot named “Sophia”. This robot is AI with more human-like looks.
Like always, but still some people are against it...
A reporter asked Sophia about fear of AI – that one-day robot will rule the world like shown in the Blade Runner movie.
In her response, she mocked Elon musk (C.E.O of SpaceX and Tesla, who has warned people of such dangers) by saying...
I think you’re reading too much Elon musk or watching too many Hollywood movies. Don’t worry, if you’ll stay nice to me, I will be nice to you. Treat me as a smart system.- Sophia (The Robot)
It won’t be easy to prevent dangers like these Robots. Just feed the input of “The Godfather” movies. Now imagine the worst that could happen?- Elon Musk responded with a reply on twitter.
What are your thoughts about this? Which side are you on? Comment down with your reasons. I’ll be happy to read and discuss them all.
Most AI Assistants Are Female

Have you ever thought about Why AI assistants like Alex or google have Female voices?
Isn’t that strange, does it support gender stereotypes? I don’t know about you but the UN believes that they’ve even created a report and mentioned it clear about this!
While on product launches, female voices or sometimes names are used even with ‘AI’. So, what’s the reason behind it? Or it’s a new tactic to spread hate on gender and to enforce gender-based culture?
A Research Canalys firm estimated that around 100 million smart speakers with female voice assistants were sold globally in 2018.
We test many voices with our beta program on customers to check which one will be best and which gets more attention and then we stick to that – this all happens before the product launching.- Amazon Spokesperson
Cortana is theoretically genderless, but the company did deep research while picking a voice. They tweaked with weighed of voice to check the benefits of male and female voices. Our objective was to build a supportive and trustworthy assistant — a female voice was the choice.- Microsoft Spokesperson
After this gender-based controversy, Apple’s and Google started to offer – options to switch between male or female voices; Siri started doing since 2013 also Google since October.
I think it’s simply a demand and supply thing, people get what they want. They expect a friendly and helpful ‘female’ and that is what firms give them…
Your Phone Is Powerful Than Computers Used For Apollo 11

For your information: a single alphabetical character requires 8 bits to be stored. And it’s Million times extra memory than Apollo’s computer.
Apollo’s 11 computers had a 0.043 MHz processor, and in the 2020s even iPhones have about 2490 MHz processor. And we’re just considering ‘phones’ not ‘quantum’ or ‘super’ computers.
iPhone of the 2020s that can easily fit in your pocket, these phones have 10,000x more processing power than NASA computers that – landed a man on the moon 50 years ago.
Isn’t that insane? And people are saying their phones aren’t fast enough!
But there’s a shocking thing that you should know!
Today earth has better communication speed than 1969, it only takes 1.26 seconds to send a message from the moon to earth (356,000 km).
But for larger file sizes like images or videos, it takes longer than 1969.
Yeah, you read that right!
Buy still taking long is not a problem, at least we get high-quality images of space through our advanced camera technology!
And in this era of technology, even a USB or WiFi router is more powerful and fast then Apollo’s computer.
The World’s Most Expensive Food Bought Was 2 Papa John’s Pizzas

22 May 2010 is known as bitcoin pizza day because a man named Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 bitcoins for 2 god damn papa john’s pizzas.
Still, the recipient of bitcoin bargained to pay $25 extra for the pizzas, while 10,000 bitcoins alone we’re worth $41 at that time.
And 9 months later, fortunately, bitcoin reached to US dollars! And that pizzas were worth $10,000. And in 2015 on the fifth anniversary of bitcoin pizza day: 2 pizzas price became $2.4 million.
Yeah, sometimes bad luck crosses its limits and this person was an example for that, but still, you can say, that was the first hype of bitcoin that ever made.
And now, 1 Bitcoin is worth $8,000 – it’s the extreme technological advances that humankind has ever seen.
In 1936 Russia Built A Computer That Ran On Water

In 19’s technology was not advanced as today google or apple. At that age, people consider the computer as a bunch of levers, gears, and other mechanisms that could solve or count something.
That’s all.
And then a Russian scientist named “Vladimir Lukyanov” built a computer that runs on water and solving partial differential equations in 1936.
It was the world’s first one that did it, it’s called “Water Integrator” The Water Integrator was the first analog computer ever built in the Soviet Union.
Individuals who did math or physics at college will testify, it’s a ‘pain in the ass’ to do by hand. This computer solved this problem and made it easy to solve differential equations.
You can consider it as the biggest breakthrough that Vladimir has ever faced!
So, which one you loved the most? Comment down if you have anyone that can shock us, we’ll love to read it.
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